The popularity of Blogs and CMS’s are exploding in the web development world. The need to stand out and have a well orgnanized site is crucial to your business. Whether your bloging about your hobby as a side business, or a corporate company that needs to connect with your customers you want to be proud of the brand your presenting to the world.
Chase New Media can help sculpt your masterpeice. Big or small, we make your vision come to life on the web. We take pride in everything we work on and want to make your website a success as badly as you do.
CNM can ease the technology pain and help you with:
- Custom Blog Design – Don’t look like everyone else. Whether you’re writing for yourself, or writing for your company, we can help make you stand out.
- Content Management Websites – Custom design in Joomla and Drupal. Take an out-of-the-box system and make it yours. We love taking on a challenge and can help with your marketing goals.. Whatever your needs, talk to us and let’s see what we can do.
- Everything WordPress – WordPress is an amazing platform to build websites from. From theme coding to custom plugins, we can mold it any way you like.
- Social Media Integration – We work with social media on just about every project we do, from simple sharing, to Facebook Connect and the Twitter API. We’ll keep you connected.
- Search Engine Optimization – Every page is carefully coded to be as Google-friendly as possible. We’ll do anything we can to give your website the very best shot at topping the search results.
What Do You Get?
- Unique Design Work – Your design will be built from scratch. No templates, no recycling. Your site is unique, and to us that means starting with a blank canvas and working from there.
- Quality Coding – Just because something seems to work on the surface, it doesn’t mean it works well underneath. Our code is clean, efficient and well tested. We write for thousands of other developers on our blog, it has to be.
- Your Questions Answered – I bet you have a lot of questions. All good minds constantly have new questions. We have a wealth of experience, so for anything from choosing a webhost to marketing online, we’re happy to share anything we’ve learnt with you.
- Fast Page Loads – Speed has always been a crucial factor in converting customers, and now it influences your Google rankings too. Talk to us about squeezing out every ounce of thrust you can.
- Peace of Mind – We can take care of all the technical parts for you. We’ll carry your project right through from conception to setting it live on the web. And we speak plain English, no geek speak, so you’ll know exactly what we’re doing and why.
- Hassle-free Projects – We want to make things easy for you and have your project flow as smoothly as possible. We’ll set up a prject management page to let you see where we’re at and check out the timeline at any time.
Why Work With Us?
There’s only one real reason to choose any web design team; their work. We’re ultra-proud of ours. Click below to load up our portfolio and see the work we’ve done.
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